Your Guide To Job Grades
The Job Grade demographic enables powerful data reporting through our Workplace Insights tool, making it crucial to get them right. This article aims to help you understand Job Grades and how you can use them to your advantage.
Job Grades are reflective of the hierarchical levels in your organisation. You will upload assigned Job Grades within your employee data, and we’ll do all the work to ensure meaningful reporting in your results. In Workplace Insights (Pro) you’ll be able to see how engagement varies for your Job Grades by the organisation as a whole, and each operational area from divisional/departmental level right through to team level (subject to minimum responses).
If you have opted for basic data only in Workplace Insights, you’ll be able to view some results split by our standard Job Grades. Our standard Job Grades are Director, Senior Manager, Manager, Team Leader / Supervisor and Team Member.
Your language may differ, for instance some common examples might be:
Head of Department
Manager without reports
Manager with reports
Team Member
To provide you with benchmarkable data, you’ll map each of your internal Job Grades uploaded in your employee data back to our standard Job Grades.
It’s important to remember here that you’re not reflecting what they do on a day-to-day basis, that’s a job role, but more so at what level of seniority they are working.
Example below:
We can not report data for a demographic with fewer than five responses due to anonymity, so it’s important that you consider this when choosing your Job Grades. In some cases, this may be suitable to do. You can find out more about how we protect employee anonymity in this article.
Using the example above, you have two Job Grades called ‘managers with direct reports’ and ‘managers without direct reports’ both mapped back to the standard Job Grade of ‘Manager’. One grade has 3 employees in and the other has 6. This would be acceptable as you’d still have the potential to view Job Grade data in Workplace Insights (Pro) by the overall standard ‘Manager’ job grade:
One key recommendation we would make is to try and distinguish between managers with and without direct reports (people managers and non-people managers). This difference in job grade can have a big impact on the experience of a manager, and can unlock potentially powerful themes. An example of the value of using thorough job grades is below:
28 managers all in one standard manager job grade:
Those 28 managers split into two customised job grades:
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