Will My Survey Answers Be Confidential?
We apply stringent rules to maintain confidentiality. The demographic data we gather is solely used to identify engagement patterns and drive improvements within your organisation.
We take great care to ensure employees aren't matched to their survey responses.
Responses are grouped and subjected to strict rules to ensure confidentiality. The demographic data we collect is only used to identify patterns of engagement in your organisation. To protect anonymity, we require a minimum of five responses within a particular demographic group before we can report back any data.
Individual responses are only revealed to an employer for the survey's three free-text questions:
What makes this a great workplace?
What would make this a better workplace?
Which improvement would make the greatest difference to you personally?
To protect anonymity, please ensure not to write anything within your comments that may potentially identify you.
These free-text responses are only accompanied by information about the respondent's employment group, such as sales, marketing, or accounts.
To further understand how we protect your responses, you can watch this video:
For more information about how we handle data, you can review our Privacy Notice and visit our Trust Centre to learn more about Best Companies and our approach to data security.
If you have any concerns about the confidentiality of the survey or how your organisation is handling it, you can contact us at concerns@b.co.uk or call our confidential helpline at 01978 857181.