What Is The Sarah Model?
Within the MC³ app, the SARAH model demonstrates the natural responses you can experience when delivering and receiving feedback.
Understanding it can help you prepare for someone’s reaction and indeed your own if you are on the receiving end. The SARAH model is designed to support with the acceptance of feedback and to ensure that it will be taken in the spirit as intended.
All feedback is good, but some feedback can be a little hard to take especially when it’s constructive. Take time to process and reflect on your scores. We suggest using the SARAH model to help understand when you should move on to the next step in the app.
After seeing your score sit's natural to need some time to process the emotions you're feeling before being ready to take action — remember, your score is reflective of managerial engagement and not your overall performance as a manager.
What is the SARAH model?
S is for Shock, a normal response to feedback initially, maybe disbelief, or denial especially if the feedback is unexpected or contradicts our own thoughts. Recognise that this is a normal emotion that will pass in time.
A is for Anger, and this reaction normally follows on from shock. Anger is usually aimed at the feedback.
R is for Rejection,searching for reasons why the feedback is wrong, or inaccurate.
A is for Acceptance,finally as the feedback sinks in there comes a point of acceptance. When feedback has been taken seriously and has truly been accepted, help might be requested.
H is for Help, this shows a motivation to move on and should always be appreciated because it means that the feedback is being used as intended to improve and boost performance.
You can view the SARAH model video below. Our recommendation for best practice is to keep logging back into the app and move through the steps as the emotions change and feedback is being understood.
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