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What Is The Employee Numbers Task?

If you are surveying for Best Companies list and / or accreditation recognition, we will ask you to complete an Employee Numbers section.

This section can be found within your survey setup dashboard:

  • Go to 'Manage survey' tab
  • Under 'My tasks', expand the 'Set-up & launch' section to show all the avaialble tasks to complete
  • Click into Emplyee Numbers, and 'View task'

employee numbers

What we need to know

In this section, we will be asking for a detailed breakdown of your workforce, including demographics. We will also be asking for figures on turnover and absences.

Please provide figures for employees who are eligible for the lists and Accreditation only. For further information or if you are unsure about what this means, please refer to this article:  What Makes An Employee Eligible?

When completing each individual table, you will need to make sure that your numbers equal that of how many employees were selected as ‘True’ for accreditation within your Employee Upload stage.

Some sections will pre-populate for you, such as Job Grade data. Any demographic that you completed for all employees within the Employee Upload will auto-populate, so there is no further work you need to do on those tables.

All tables within this section are mandatory, so you will need to ensure that they are all complete ahead of moving on from this stage.

How this will benefit you

This information will be used to check that your survey responses are representative of your whole population; and to ensure all organisations involved are eligible.

If accredited, some of these stats will feature on your company profile on our website and may result in you having a benefit icon awarded.

When completing the information below please refer to your organisation's list of employees as of the date you completed your Employee Structure.

If you receive any errors in this section, this article may help you: Why Are Errors Shown In The Employee Numbers Section?

For additional support please email, call us on 01978 856222, or click the 'Get in Touch' button at the top of this page.