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Providing Your Employee's Details

As part of setting up your survey, we will request details about your employees. This will allow us to send them their b-Heard surveys and link demographic information to their responses.

During your survey setup it's important you provide the correct details for your employees so we can provide meaningful data and insights back to you. You will do this within the 'your employees' section, either by using our online chart tool or by completing the provided excel spreadsheet.

What information do I need to complete?

You need to provide details of all employees who are to be included in the survey from your most recent payroll.

Please include the leader of your organisation on the spreadsheet. They should not receive a survey however, so please enter 'None' in the following fields: 'Survey Type Required' and 'Employment Group'.

You don’t need to survey employees on long-term sick leave if they have been absent for more than four weeks. However, they still need to be included on the spreadsheet to make sure that the headcount figures are complete and accurate. In these cases please enter 'None' as the ‘Survey Type Required’.

Please note that employees on maternity/paternity leave are required to be surveyed.

There are a few fields that are mandatory. However, we recommend that you complete as much information as you can. The more information you can provide, the more accurate your survey data will be. Your employees will also be asked for less information, so the survey will be quicker for them to complete.

Mandatory fields:

  • First Name​

  • Surname

  • Payroll Number

  • Survey Type Required: If an employee is not to receive a survey, please enter survey type 'None', you must provide a reason for doing so. The reasons can be 'Long Term Sick', 'Other' or 'CEO'.

  • Email Address (if surveying by Login Code via Email)

  • Delivery Postcode: If surveying by Login Code by Post, please enter the final destination that the survey needs to be delivered to. This will then be printed on the Login Code by Post survey to assist with distribution. We do not need the full address here, just the location name. For example, if you are receiving your surveys at Head Office to then distribute to your sites, please put the site name. For employees receiving their survey via email please leave blank

  • The work location into which you report: Please provide the postcode of the location where each employee works. If an employee works from home or is field based, this will be the postcode of the work location they report to. This may be the site location closest to them or their head office. If you are being evaluated for our regional lists, this postcode will be used to allocate survey responses to regions, so please pay particular care when completing this information.

  • Employment Group:  This article offers guidance on how to organise your employment groups

  • Manager Name: If an employee has no manager (e.g. the CEO), please enter 'None' in this field

  • Manager Payroll Number: If an employee has no manager (e.g. the CEO), please enter 'None' in this field

  • Job Grade/Level

  • Eligible for Accreditation: If an employee is on your UK payroll and eligible for accreditation, please enter 'True' in this field. If they are not on your UK payroll or ineligible for any other reason, please enter 'False'. Please note that where fewer than 5 employees have been marked as 'False' for eligible for accreditation, the results for these individuals may not be displayed.

  • Reason for Not Surveying: If you have marked any employee as 'None' for ‘Survey Type Required’, you must provide a reason for doing so. The reasons can be 'Long Term Sick', 'Other' or 'CEO'

Useful Tips:

  • If completing the excel spreadsheet, please refer to the 'Question Answers' tab for guidance on some of the demographic answers

  • Please use actual salary when completing the ‘Annual salary (full salary including bonuses)’ column

  • Please don’t change any of the formatting on the spreadsheet. It might confuse the system when you come to upload it

  • Please check email addresses to avoid bounce-backs and undeliverable surveys

  • Once complete, please save the spreadsheet and upload it on the employee structure step. You may wish to save a copy for your own reference

For additional support please email, call us on 01978 856222, or click the 'Get in Touch' button at the top of this page.