How Do I Generate Data Packs From WIT?
Accountability is key to effective change and Data Packs are a great tool to help you disseminate your results throughout your organisation, providing ownership and accountability to all key stakeholders.
What are data packs?
Data packs are handy, ready-to-download information packs containing some of the most significant details from your survey results, including actionable reports based on either your organisation as a whole or your individual employment groups.
How do I access data packs?
If you have Workplace Insight Pro you will be able to access data packs by logging into WIT and clicking on the 'Download and Share Your Results’ tile from the homepage. If you have Workplace Insight Basic, you will be able to download an example data pack. If you’re not sure which package you have, or if you’d like to discuss upgrading, please get in touch.
When you click on ‘Download and Share Your Results’ you will be directed to the ‘Data Packs’ page:
Executive Pack
The Executive Pack gives senior managers in your organisation a high-level summary of your results and it can be generated for the whole company or for selected Employment Groups. The data pack contains the following information:
BCI score – our unique measure of engagement, scored out of 1,000
Response rate – the percentage of your organisation that responded to the survey
Theory of affect – a model of engagement we use to score your organisation
Benchmark comparisons – how your results compare to others
Managerial engagement – the results from your survey that managers have had an impact on
Top 15 most highly correlated questions – the 15 statements from the survey which have the most significant effect on your results
Organisational clarity – the results from your survey which relate to how people in your organisation feel about leadership, strategy and communication
Breakdown vs benchmarks – how your organisation compares against specific benchmarks for each of the eight factors of engagement
Statements vs benchmarks – how your organisation’s responses to statements compare to selected benchmarks
MC3 manager insight – the results of the survey statements which are most influenced by your managers
Employment Group breakdown – how your survey results look for your organisation’s different Employment Groups
Our data pack user guide explains these concepts in more detail.
How do I generate an Executive Pack data pack?
As shown in the screenshot at the top of this page, when you select ‘Executive Pack’, you’ll see the following options:
Choose how to group your data
Organisation - this option allows you to generate a data pack with information about your entire organisation
Employment Group - this option allows you to generate a data pack with information about your organisation’s Employment Groups
Please Note: You’ll get a separate Executive Pack for each individual Employment Group.
If you select the ‘Employment Group’ option, you will see the following additional options:
Employment Group
Choose individual groups – this option allows you to select the individual Employment Groups you’d like to see data for
All groups – this option allows you to generate a data pack for each of your Employment Groups. To generate an Employment Group data pack, the selected Employment Group(s) require a minimum of 5 responses
Please note: The more Employment Groups you select, the longer it will take for your data packs to generate (see Estimated time to generate).
Add SWOT Insights
The checkbox to ‘Add SWOT Insights’ is selected by default, meaning the data pack generated will use the data to identify your organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats when the option is selected.
To generate a data pack without SWOT insights, untick the checkbox.
Compare with previous survey results
When the ‘Add SWOT Insights’ option is selected, the ‘Compare your previous survey results’ is not available and the system will automatically assign the most relevant previous survey to use as a comparison – this will be your most recent full survey (non-Pulse).
If you have unselected ‘Add SWOT Insights’ the option to compare will be available and you can select or change the previous survey you want to compare to. If you have no previous surveys available, the option will not be made available.
Screen size - Data packs are optimised for different screen sizes. This option allows you to choose which you prefer.
Standard (4:3) - 4:3 data pack looks best on a standard resolution screen
Widescreen (16:9) -16:9 data pack looks best on a widescreen resolution screen
- Generate
When you’re happy with your options, click the ‘Generate’ button to start generating your data packs.
A confirmation box will appear, click ‘Ok’ to return to the ‘Data Packs’ page.
You’ll receive an email containing a link to download your data pack. This link will expire after seven days, and after this time you must request a new pack.
Please note: If you’ve surveyed with us before, you’ll be able to generate data packs for previous survey years where you had a Pro WIT package by selecting ‘Preferences’ within the top right corner drop down menu.
To understand more about Executive Data Packs and SWOT Insights, please see this article where you can also download a PDF version of the step-by-step user guide.
For additional support please email, call us on 01978 856222, or click the 'Get in Touch' button at the top of this page.