How Can Employees Access Best Companies Privacy Notice?
We want to ensure your employees can access our privacy notice in order to understand how we use the data we hold about them. There are several ways that this is made available.
We do this by creating a multi-layered approach, providing the opportunity to read our privacy notice in the folowing ways:
Our Website:
Paper Surveys: Our paper surveys will be delivered with our privacy notice
Online Surveys: Users will have the opportunity to read when completing the online survey
Our Communications: Our email communications and templates include a link to our privacy notice
Your Organisation: Assisting with delivery
We require all the organisations we work with to assist in the delivery of our privacy notice to their employees that are being surveyed.
Our privacy notices can be provided through a variety of media:
- Orally - face to face or when you speak to someone on the telephone (it’s a good idea to document this)
- In writing - printed media; on request
- Through signage - for example an information poster in a public area
- Electronically - in text messages; on websites; intranet and in emails
Please view the communication templates available within your survey set-up dashboard.
Vulnerable individuals
We expect you to be able to identify when delivery of a privacy notice to an employee in its standard method may not be appropriate, for example, if they are partially sighted. All employees should be supported so they have the opportunity to understand how their data is to be used. If you require assistance in delivering a simpler form of our Privacy Notice, please get in touch.
When the privacy notice should be provided
Privacy Notices should be delivered at the time the data is obtained directly from the individual. When personal data is not obtained directly from the individual, the privacy notice should then be provided:
- Within a reasonable period of having obtained the data (within one month)
- If the data is used to communicate with the individual, at the latest, when the first communication takes place; or
- If disclosure to another recipient is envisaged, at the latest, before the personal data is disclosed.
Updates to our Privacy Notice
We keep our privacy notice under constant review. We may update it from time to time to improve the way we communicate our use of data and to reflect any changes in the collection and use of personal data. Do let us know of any feedback you receive regarding our privacy notice.
Further Information
The Information Commissioners Office (ICO) has provided guidance on privacy notices which can be accessed by following the link: